Have you heard about The Inside-Out Revolution? It’s awesome!

If you don’t drink rat poison, you don’t need an antidote. – Michael Neill


Today you will hear many people say that all you need to do is think positively and everything will be ok, you’ll be happier.  This does help, up to a certain point.  There are many books available that discuss this, and their theory behind it is to live in the present moment.  This is true, however I always felt that there was a missing piece, a key per se, which goes a step further in explaining how to do this.

I found this book, The Inside-Out Revolution by Michael Neil to be an easy read and I was able to read this in less than one day while travelling.  The author’s writing style in very simple to understand and the concepts are easy. The book was built on the works of Syd Banks and George Pransky and is about mind, thought and consciousness which is believed to be the path to understanding how life works and to being liberated and happy.   I must admit that a few times in the beginning, the first 20 pages or so, I was tempted to stop reading as I felt that the author was rambling a bit, talking about how easy it is to implement this new way of thought but was not actually revealing how to reach this state. What kept me going was the fact that he actually kept stating to not give up, and give the book a chance.

What was shocking to me was that while reading this book, I had a huge epiphany when I read on page 31 “we’re living in the feeling of our thinking, not the feeling of the world.” I read it in just the nick of time and was able to side step a huge and impactful mistake which would have caused some serious consequences.  I realized right then that I WAS indeed living in my feeling of my thinking.  I was assuming that people were miserable and needed saving, when in fact, they were happy and content and didn’t need my help at all.  It was ME that was miserable.  When I understood this I was able to let go of my preconceived notions and sit back and enjoy life.  This lesson alone made reading the book worthwhile.

Although it seems that the concepts of awareness are simple and easy to do, they are impactful.  I am pleased that the author includes a section for further reading. I also like the fact that, even though the book is short and simple, at the end of each chapter the author summarizes the points of that chapter.

I found this book to be profound.  I highly recommend this book.

FTC Disclosure:  I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review.  The opinions expressed in this review are unbiased and reflect my honest judgement of the product.


Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

“For life is quite absurd / And death’s the final word / You must always face the curtain with a bow / Forget your sin – give the audience a grin /  Enjoy it – it’s your last chance anyhow” – Monty Python

I bet you sang, didn’t you?  And I apologize if you have that song stuck in your head…well no, not really…because it was intentional 🙂

Recently I had the pleasure to converse with a few good friends.  This conversation first took place in person with a couple of gals, then over email with other people and then finally with a wonderful woman.  The common theme was “thinking positively.”

Although I’m trying my best with that, and I admit that it is very difficult at times but I think overall I’m making it a habit to think positively. But a friend brought up a good point, that thinking positively will only bring you so far.  And he’s right, you can work your butt off with thinking positively but you really have to look at what’s behind your negative thoughts in the first place.  Why do these negative thoughts come up to begin with.  In other words, you have to find out what’s going on inside of you and pick things apart.  You have to go on a journey – like I did to Australia (joke).  Seriously though, you do have to take a journey.


And it’s scary to do so.  We are conditioned to repressed certain beliefs, memories, feelings for a reason – because we don’t want to face them and acknowledge what they mean to us. It could be that we will have to admit to a big mistake, that we hurt someone, and the worst thing of all – that we’re human! Imagine that! But I’ve found out in my work that facing these beliefs is a lot easier than continuing to repress them, and a lot less tiring.  It’s actually beautiful really.

I do this a few different ways, and what I find the method that works for me is to get out in nature and meditate.  I admire the scenery while in thought or take a walk in nature.  As a result, I am beginning to see the beauty in everything including nature, people, situations and events.  I’m a lot more calmer, more open to relationships, more easy-going and accepting.

In fact, I make it a habit that whenever I’m outside, whether leaving home or a building, or even driving, I look up to the sky and look at what beautiful picture has been painted across the canvas sky.  It centers me. Like this beautiful sunset I saw last night as me and my daughter came out of the mall.

night sky

Wouldn’t you want to be in this place?  It’s there for your taking, if you’re willing to do the work.