Hey Everyone
I apologize for not being in touch much, but the Internet situation wasn’t as I hoped it would be. Many places didn’t have Internet at all, and those that did weren’t very reliable. But that’s ok. I had fun regardless.
Well I’m back in sunny Toronto and I have to say that I’m exhausted. I was up at 5:30am this morning despite trying to sleep in. Busy day ahead of me – unpacking, cleaning and running errands.
Does this ever happen to you? After you have been away for some time, it feels strange to be home? That being away has become the norm. It happens to me all the time, but sometimes the feeling is stronger than other times.
This trip made me realize that the world has so much to offer, and I wonder why some people don’t want to be a part of it? The contrast in the lifestyles of the people living in different parts of Italy was an experience to remember. And then, the week that my daughter was with her dad visiting his extended family, I had the opportunity to visit Paris. What a beautiful city.
Over the next few days i want to share with you what has touched and moved me.
Break over, back to cleaning up I go!! Whistle while you work – do do do do do do do…….