When I’m Most Susceptible To Idiots

“Never argue with an idiot; he will bring you down to his level and win from experience.” ― Brad Slipiec

I think I’ve figured something out.  Sometimes it takes me a while, but I know I’ll eventually get there, and things will change.  In other words, I had a huge light bulb moment today.

Christmas was good, I had a nice time with family.  The day after was ok.  We had a pj day and I tried to make the most of it with my daughter.  My butt was planted firmly on the couch while I tried so hard not to whine and complain about my high fever, aching body and splitting head ache.  I seriously felt like I was hit by a huge truck.  My daughter was a trooper even though we had to cancel our plans for the day.  In fact, she kind of took care of me, making sure that I rested, checked my temperature and drank fluids.  It was nice to be looked after for a change.


But today was different.  Today I worked from home while my daughter was in tow.  She played in the backyard in the snow, while I sat at the kitchen table.  It was nice to see the kids through the garden doors, hear them playing while I worked away on my Mac.  I was still sick with a high fever, but I felt somewhat better hearing them, and getting cool, fresh air when they would throw the door open to tell me some exciting news.


Then the chaos started.  I began getting text messages that were demanding, argumentative and unreasonable.  I found myself getting wound up while I tried to deal with this.  I was ready to set my phone on fire.  It was getting late so I called my daughter in for lunch, and found myself snapping at her, not being able to handle normal things such as her normal complaints about eating her fruit.  And I felt myself getting anxious, irritable and frustrated with everything around me.  The afternoon wasn’t turning out well and I was spiralling downward – fast.

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The text messages continued, and the more I tried to reason with this individual, the more outrageous the conversation would become, to the point when I was told that this would be handled in person, rather than text.  Fine by me, I thought.  I’m a firm believer that things should be resolved either in person or by telephone (voice).  Plus, I would then be able to share the evidence to support my point.

Well the ‘calm’ discussion I anticipated didn’t work out that way.  The in-person meeting was high-tension and high-conflict.  Something that I didn’t want to expose my daughter to, and luckily she was in the other room, out of ear-shot, or so I thought.  It was absolutely impossible to reason with this person, and when this person left, I found myself tied up in a tight knot.  What the heck was going on?

I went back to the living room and sat down next to my daughter.  She wanted to do something together so we painted a kit that Santa got us for Christmas.  Strangely enough, I found it extremely cathartic and felt my mood suddenly change.  I was thinking to myself about what had transpired, why I was so uptight, and then, almost as if an answer to my questions, my daughter says to me “Mommy, it’s only clothes.  Who cares.  Just let it go.” I was stunned.  I turned to her and said “Honey, you’re right.  It’s only clothes and not worth all the arguing.” And she said “Exactly.  There are other things that are more important – such as painting!”  What wisdom from a seven-year old.  God I love her.


And so while I continued to paint I thought about why this incident had gotten to me so much, and I figured out that when I’m tired, run down and sick, I’m more susceptible to the antics of idiots.  I am more likely to engage in the stupidity game that they try to get me to play into.  They get the better of me, but not anymore.  I’ve learned their method of attack – hit them while they’re still down.  Does this happen to anyone else but me?

Then I read a friend’s status on Facebook “woke up feeling stressed, then I decided to count all the ways I am blessed. Then the reality hit me – I need to chill and let my worries be.”

Damn straight.  I do need to let my worries be.  I do need to focus on what I’ve been blessed with, and not get distracted by all the nonsense that gets brought to me by idiots.  Clearly this happens to everyone, especially when you’re not able to function at your fullest.  The way around that is to focus on what good there is in your life, on your blessings.

So I have figured out that at the end of the day I can hold my head up high.  I’m able to walk away from today’s incident knowing that in my heart I’ve been truthful and honest, and I’ve been loving and caring.  I have done no wrong to anyone, and I have not been hurtful.  As my daughter said “it’s only clothes.” There are way more important things that need my attention and it’s better to spend my precious time and energy on something life-giving, not life draining.  And idiots can be life draining if you let them be.

A Very Merry Christmas

“And so this is Christmas / I hope you have fun / The near and the dear one / The old and the young” – John Lennon

It’s Christmas Eve and I’ve just finished wrapping the last of the presents.  They are all under the tree, the stockings are hung near the fire place, and the plates for Santa and his reindeer have been set.  Later on tonight before bed time, I’ll put out the cookies, chocolate milk, carrots and apple slices – by myself. And it’s ok.


My daughter is with her Dad tonight and I’ll pick her up in the morning.  This is also the second Christmas without my Dad and as well year two being separated from my ex.  I thought I would find it hard, but surprisingly, even though it does hurt like heck, I’m still ok.  Maybe it will hit me hard later on in the night, I don’t know but right now I’m fine.  I think I have come to terms with the fact that times have changed and new traditions are in the process of being made.  This has helped me cope.  I think that I’ve come a long way from my post from last year at this time:  Have A Merry Lonely Christmas

Christmas time is a time for family, friends and showing how much you appreciate them.  This season, as much as my heart hurt with the loss of the old traditions at Christmas time, I made it a point to start new traditions with my daughter.  We sang Christmas carols at the top of our lungs, we had fun decorating the tree, we baked, we wrapped, but we also made sure to show how much we appreciate one other – by taking the time and really sitting with each other.  It wasn’t about going out shopping, but about spending time together.  This morning we snuggled in bed, had pillow fights, played on the floor together. We spent time together until it was time for her to go with her Dad.


And then I did something new.  I spent the afternoon with a friend.  We had a nice meal together.  This was foreign to me.  Never had I done something like that on Christmas Eve.  In the past it has always been about, then rushing home to go to church and then to either my parents or my in-laws house for dinner. I always found stressful, but not this time.  This time I had a wonderful afternoon with a wonderful person.  (I’m going make a point of doing this throughout the holidays with other friends, especially on New Years Eve and New Years Day).

And now, on Christmas Eve I’m writing.  After this I’m going to the evening service at church, and whatever time I get there, I get there.  Then I’m spending the evening with more great company – my family.  Tomorrow, again with family and an added bonus – my daughter.

I guess there comes a time when one realises that Christmas is imporant.  But it’s not about buying presents and getting caught up in all of that commercialism and about everything being perfect – a perfect tree, a perfect table spread, a perfect meal.  I believe that how you experience it depends on your state of mind – it can be happy or it can be miserable.  Last year I was miserable because I didn’t have my daughter, my Dad nor my ex.  The years before I was miserable because I was stressed because of all the pressures of everything needing to be perfect.  But this year it’s different.  Yes, I miss my daughter terribly at this moment, I wish she were here with me, but I can’t do anything about that.  But I am going to do the best with what I can, and rather than being sad, and isolating myself, I’m going to enjoy every moment with who and what I can.


To all of you, I send warm wishes for a very Merry Christmas.  May you be blessed with peace, happiness and love.

You’re Never Alone

“Hold me close / Let Your love surround me / Bring me near / Draw me to Your side.” – Hillsongs, Power of Your Love

Today began just like any other regular day.  I woke up, showered, had my coffee, prepped the lunch bags, woke up my daughter and got her ready for school.  This morning I gave her a kiss.  I always make sure to give her a kiss.  I also make sure to tell her that I love her.  I know that she knows I do because when I say to her “I have something to tell you” she responds with “I know, you love me.”  It’s a little game that we play, and I’m comforted by it.

It’s Daddy weekend this weekend.  Fortunately, I was able to see my daughter after school long enough to give her a big hug.  And this time I held onto her a bit longer than I normally would.  I didn’t want to let her go and tonight I miss her heaps more than usual.


And that’s because today wasn’t any regular day after all.  I’m located about 600 kilometers away from the devastating massacre of the innocent children in Newtown, Connecticut, and I’m having a hard time coping with what happened.  I don’t know these people, never met them in my life, and I’m never going to understand what they are going through.  But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried today just thinking about those poor families who have lost their children, wifes, husbands and parents.  And I’ll never understand what drives a person to do such thing.  I don’t know.  I’ll never know.

But I do know that their lives will never be the same.  They will feel an emptiness inside for the rest of their lives.  They will question God about what happened, and why their loved one had to die, be taken away from them.  They will likely fall into a deep depression, not wanting anyone around, feeling all alone.  They will hit rock bottom.

And today when I heard the news, I immediately thought of my daughter, and imagined her in that school and ice-cold fear travelled through my entire body like a lightening bolt.  I thought about all the times I kissed her goodbye on a Friday morning on Daddy weekends, and how my heart rips out of my chest every single time because I don’t get to see her again until the following Monday.  I thought about how many times I wanted to hold her during those weekends and couldn’t and how I’ve had to settle for phone calls.  And then I thought about these poor parents who won’t ever be able to hold their children again, and how they don’t get to have a phone call. They will never hear their voice ever again.

I wish there was something that I could do.  I feel helpless.  My heart goes out to them, and they are in my prayers.  And while they are in their darkest hour, I pray that they never forget that they are not alone. There is someone holding them, loving them and caring for them.

And while I was in my darkest hour, this reminded me that I was never alone.  This is what helped me through those long, dark nights:


Sit Still and Rest, Already!

“Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”  – Maya Angelou

I’m overwhelmed with the amount of people who have contacted me, concerned for my wellbeing and have suggested that I just take a break and essentially enjoy the moment.  My heart is so full because of this.  They’ve pointed out that I’m constantly trying to grow, push forward and that I need to is just sit still for a while.  I thought I knew what that meant, that I could easily do it but when I tried to sit still, I quickly realized that I just don’t know how.  Seriously, I don’t.

As I continued to try, I felt more and more anxious and I felt I was starting to spin out of control.  So it was a good thing that I was scheduled to see my therapist.  We deconstructed what was going on, why I couldn’t do this, and what was going on in my mind to figure things out.  Let me tell you what I processed.  You already know that I’ve been feeling stuck and the reality is: I am.  I am stuck right here, right now.  I am in limbo.  The life I used to lead is almost coming to an end, and the life I’m trying to start hasn’t quite started yet so I’m stuck in between.  Add to that the anniversary of my marriage falling apart, and on top of that a heap of other things, needless to say, these past few days have been emotionally charged, or should I say, over-charged.


So how do you sit with all of this?  How do you let things just play out and not try to interfere?  It’s friggin hard.  Especially when you’re used to having to do something all the time.  So I tried distracting myself with other things but that didn’t work.  I felt my mind wander and I caught myself getting frustrated with the way things were, and how I could push it ahead.  I tried to write about it but my mind was so cluttered that I couldn’t get my thoughts sorted enough to write, which made me even more anxious and frustrated.

The only choice I had was to feel it all.  E v e r y   s i n g l e    t h i n g  and that was brutal.  Every since feeling I had in me I had to feel in order to release myself from all of this.  Do you have any idea how painful that is? It was absolutely crazy.  I had to name every single thing that I was trying to avoid, was frustrated with, was feeling anxious about and was angry and sad at.  I felt as if I was being torn apart into hundred million pieces.  I found myself crying a lot, which is odd because I didn’t think I needed to cry.  After I cried, I felt better.  And then I cried some more, and then I felt better again.  This just kept going on and on, until I felt better, became centered once again.  I healed.


It is interesting to find out that for me, sitting still is about listing to what my body and spirit are trying to tell me.  I’m learning about how the my body remembers things, even when my mind doesn’t, and that this could be the source to my anxiety, which is the case here.  The other night was Daddy night so I was planning to get my Christmas shopping done but I felt a heaviness in my chest, and my mind was foggy.  I felt my pulse racing.  The same symptoms I was feeling earlier on in the week.  So instead of shopping, I decided to go home.  I changed right into my jammies, had a light dinner and parked myself on the couch.  This far from normal for me.  I never get a chance to park myself on the couch, let alone watch tv. But I did it anyway.  I pushed away the feelings of guilt and selfishness, I listened and gave my body and spirit the break they needed. And it felt wonderful.  Absolutely amazing.

Have I been living up to this?  Am I continuing to sit still? I’m sure as heck trying.


What Do You Do?

“The only difference between a wish and a prayer is that you’re at the mercy of the universe for the first, and you’ve got some help with the second.”  – Jodi Picoult

Imagine that you’re stuck.  You want to move, you can see the place where you want to be.  It’s nice there.  You can see that the atmosphere is better, clearer, and you can just imagine how things will be.

But you’re stuck.  Your feet are in cement, and no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get out.


What do you do?

People keep saying to you “You really need to do something about this,” and you know that already, and you’re trying with all your might to get your feet out of the cement but they just won’t move.  Nada.  Zip. Zilch.  They just won’t budge.

Now some days, you feel like you’re making progress.  You can wiggle your toes, and even slightly move your leg.  That’s great and all.  It even looks promising but have you really made any progress?  Your feet are still stuck in the cement.

So seriously, what do you do?

This is how I’m feeling right now.  I feel like my feet are in cement blocks.  The life I have planned for me and my daughter, the one that I’m working towards is within reach, but I just can’t grasp it.  I can’t stretch quite enough to get a hold because my feet are stuck in the cement, and it just might be getting away.  I’m questioned all the time about what I’m doing, what’s going on and I’m at the point that I honestly don’t know how to answer.  I’m trying to keep the flame burning, I’m trying to steam ahead, but what happens when the flame burns out and the steam fades?  Then what?


Right now, I’m doing the only thing that I’ve recently learned to do.  I’m praying to God.  I’m praying for help.  I’m praying for a miracle.  And I’m praying for others to pray for us too.

Please say a little prayer.


Thank you.